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At that moment when priorities change, time is crucial and all our attention will be focused on what is essential to find the best possible medical solution.


The first thing to do is to receive all the information that
has available to our patient. Clinical history, diagnosis,
tests (analytical, imaging and other tests).
Having this information before the meeting speeds up the process.


In a first initial meeting with our medical director, we will go deeper into the diagnosis and next steps alternatives.


Our expert team will prepare a complete medical report based on the information provided by our patient and will look for the best options of specialists and hospitals.


In a second meeting, our medical director and his team will present you with the report and propose alternative medical specialists and/or hospital operators.


Although the decision is always the patient's, we assist you in choosing which specialist will take care of your case in Spain and where to be treated.


We obtain with agility and efficiency the necessary appointments with specialists as well as with analysis laboratories and hospitals.

But there is something permanent throughout all the phases, and that gives meaning to our existence.


Once you have decided with whom and where to be treated, Prioritas will remain by the patient's side until the process is completed.

We are here for
to be with you

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